Local history

Books about local history

The salmon rivers and lochs of Scotland (W.L. Calderwood, 1921), including Chap. 16: Kyle of Sutherland: Carron, Oykell, Cassley, Shin (can download PDF)

Easter Ross (Alexander Polson, 1914)

Download the book ‘Easter Ross’ in PDF version here.

Battle of Carbisdale, 1650

Summary of the Battle of Carbisdale and associated maps

Battle of Carbisdale, 27 April 1650

Kincardine Church and the naval bell

Photos of the church in Lower Gledfield and the naval bell gifted to the Parish of Kincardine in 1778

The bell that was “captured in a French ship of war of 74 guns” was gifted to the Parish in 1778 by Vice-Admiral Sir John Lockhart-Ross, Balnagown.

About Kyle of Sutherland parishes

Kyle of Sutherland Heritage Society (KOSHS)

Local museums

Tain & District Museum and Clan Ross Centre (also known as the Tain Through Time Museum)

History Links Dornoch

Facebook groups

Past times in the Kyle of Sutherland